French scrambled eggs


6 eggs
1 tbsp warm butter
1 tbsp cold butter
20 gram finely shredded Asiago or Gruyere cheese
finely chopped chives
kosher salt
fresh ground black pepper


I was never a fan of the rubbery North American style scrambled eggs, but the French version has a unique soft texture that really appeals to me. The drawback is the amount of time required to make this dish, but it's so totally worth it. Your dinner guests will certainly appreciate your effort. 

Using a double boiler, turn the heat to high until the water in the lower pot starts to boil. At this point, turn the heat down to low. You don't want the water roiling, but a slow steady stream of tiny bubbles. Put the eggs, warm butter and salt and pepper into the bowl and place it over top of the pot of water. Using a spatula or wooden spoon, stir constantly and squash any curds that form during the first 5-10 minutes. The key is to never stop stirring. You can lift the bowl off the pot of water periodically to disperse the heat if the egg are cooking too quickly. During the next 10 minutes the eggs will begin to thicken. Again continue stirring. 

To know when the eggs are cooked, scrape the bottom of the bowl. If the eggs don't spread back onto the area you just scraped, it means it is ready. At this stage turn the heat off and take the bowl away from the heat. Add the cold butter and stir vigorously so the butter emulsifies into the eggs. Then add the cheese and again stir vigorously. 

Serve the eggs on a slice of freshly baked bread (toasted) and top with chives. The recipe is enough for two servings. A great dish for brunch or dinner.


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